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TED-Specific Programs

Each TED School may choose to use one or more of these programs depending on the needs of its students.

• TED Schools Preschool Education Program: The "TED Schools Preschool Education Program", developed to support all developmental areas of children through rich learning experiences, prepare them for the next level of education and enrich the quality of education at the preschool level, is implemented in all TED Schools.

• TED Schools Psychological Counselling and Guidance Services Implementation Guide: The primary purpose of counselling and guidance services at TED Schools is to provide students with the services they need during their developmental period in the best way possible. A comprehensive "TED Schools Psychological Counselling and Guidance Services Implementation Guide" has been developed based on the Ministry of National Education Regulation on Psychological Counselling and Guidance Services to ensure standardization of the counselling and guidance services provided at TED Schools and to have a common understanding of guidance. This service is implemented in all TED Schools. The program aims to support students' life career development and provide them with the knowledge and skills they will need in school and adulthood.

• Scientist Training Program: In addition to the standard curricula of the Ministry of National Education, TED Schools offer additional programs in line with students' interests, abilities and needs. In this context, the Scientist Training Program developed by TED aims to raise students who have a researcher spirit in science, are productive, have internalized scientific approach and have made these characteristics a way of life. The program is carried out in TED Schools deemed appropriate to implement the program in line with the decision of the Board of Education and Discipline dated 06/10/2009 and numbered 170. The approval was published in the Journal of Communiqués of the Ministry of National Education. The BİY Program, registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office on 08.06.2017, is a four-year program that enriches education and training activities in the light of science and is based on students conducting research, creating products as a result of research and being productive.

• TED Schools K12 English Language Curriculum: The "TED Schools K12 English Language Curriculum", which was developed to realize foreign language education at TED Schools at an international level and ensure standardization, is implemented in all TED Schools with the decision of the Board of Education of the Ministry of National Education dated 31/03/2016 and numbered 14. The program has been developed with reference to the language proficiency levels specified in the Common Framework for the Teaching of European Languages. It aims to develop competence in English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, global awareness, understanding of different views and people, communication technology and literacy skills.

•TED Schools Physical Education and Sports Curriculum: The curriculum, developed by TED teachers and implemented in TED Schools with the decision of the Board of Education and Discipline dated 30/01/2015 and numbered 2, aims to help students from preschool to 12th grade, develop knowledge skills and habits of regular participation in physical activities and sports that will support their general health (physical, social, mental, emotional, etc.) throughout their lives through physical education and sports.

International Programs

• Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC): The BTEC program is a UK-based vocational education program that brings a new perspective to business and technological education, where Pearson-accredited curricula are implemented and evaluated. Aware of the importance of providing its students with the competencies of the professions they intend to have in the future, TED has offered the internationally recognized Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) programs to its students in university and business life. BTEC programs are internationally recognized and accepted by universities, employers and business professionals, especially in the UK. With BTEC programs, students obtain internationally recognized "Performance Statement", "Proficiency", "Certificate", and "Diploma" certificates. BTEC certificates are accepted in many countries, in more than 700 occupational fields in 25 sectors, in universities in Europe, the USA, Asia and Australia, and an average of 1.5 million students are entitled to receive BTEC certificates every year.

• International Baccalaureate Diploma Program: The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) is a comprehensive, two-year pre-university program for students aged 16-19. IBDP is a program that allows for changes according to the educational needs of the countries where it is implemented and is officially recognized by the Ministry of National Education. The IBDP is implemented in more than 4000 schools in 147 countries worldwide, and more than a thousand universities in 102 countries accept the IB Diploma. The program provides an internationally recognized diploma to students who are willing to meet the academic criteria. As a symbol of academic credibility and intellectual thinking, students who participate in the IBDP are accepted by elite universities worldwide and the best universities in our country.

• International General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE): The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) Program, which is accepted by many academic institutions and employers worldwide and which contributes to a learning environment that enables students to participate actively, provides 9th and 10th-grade students with the ability to use knowledge, verbal skills, problem-solving, initiative, teamwork and questioning skills.

• TED Schools K12 English Language Curriculum: The "TED Schools K12 English Language Curriculum", which was developed in order to provide foreign language education at TED Schools at an international level and to ensure standardization in all TED Schools, is implemented in all TED Schools with the decision of the Ministry of National Education, Board of Education and Board of Education dated 31/03/2016 and numbered 14. The program has been developed with reference to the language proficiency levels specified in the Common Framework for the Teaching of European Languages. It aims to develop global awareness, understanding of different views and people, communication technology and literacy skills, as well as competence in English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

•International AS & A Level Qualification Program: The International A Level (Advanced Level) and AS Level (Advanced Subsidiary Level) Qualification Program is an accredited UK-based education and equivalency program for high school students who prefer to study at an advanced level in preparation for university education and higher education. This internationally recognized program is replicated all over the world.

•Advanced Placement Program (AP):AP is a global academic program implemented in more than 1000 high schools in 116 countries worldwide. AP exams enable students to gain priority in admission to more than 600 universities in more than 60 countries, to obtain university credits and/or to be exempted from the courses they have taken and succeeded in the program.

•Canadian Dual Diploma Program:The program is a four-year program that allows students who have graduated from TED Schools' secondary education level and meet the qualifications to receive Canadian secondary education equivalency through an agreement with the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. The contents of the curricula implemented at the high school levels of TED Schools and the curricula implemented in the Province of New Brunswick in Canada are compatible. Accordingly, students can complete the Canadian Dual Diploma Program requirements in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 and be admitted to higher education in Canada if they wish.

•Canada Exchange Program: Within the scope of the Canada Education Agreement signed between TED and the Ministry of Education of Nova Scotia, Canada, all TED Schools students can continue their education in Canada for one month, one semester or one academic year by participating in the intercultural student exchange program. Exchange Program can be executable with other States, one of which is New Brunswick at the moment, and to which TED sends students, who participate in the program for a semester or a year have the right to continue their education at TED Schools at the next grade level upon their return by obtaining the equivalency of the Ministry of National Education. The program aims to provide students with a good command of English and the opportunity to study abroad while creating opportunities for students and host families to deepen understanding and respect for different cultures and explore the realities of humanity.

İlk adı “Türk Maarif Cemiyeti” olan derneğimiz, 1946 yılından itibaren, “Türk Eğitim Derneği” adı altında çalışmalarını başarıyla sürdürmektedir.

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