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Quality foreign language education is one of the main features of TED Schools.

In line with the vision of the Turkish Education Association (TED), our vision is to provide students with quality English language education through innovative and student-centred approaches and curricula which will enable them to become proficient users of language and develop their academic, communication and social awareness skills, allowing them to become significant and valuable contributors to their communities. Furthermore, we aim to contribute to the improvement of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) by providing leadership in teacher training, CPPID (Continuing Personal, Professional and Institutional Development), curriculum design and assessment and evaluation.

Within this vision, our students will be able to
• develop a positive attitude towards language learning
• establish effective communication using four language skills
• gain the ability to express themselves in the best way in a foreign language by using English with confidence in national and international platforms
• develop competences such as critical thinking, innovative thinking, logical decision making, self motivation, courage, diversity, intercultural awarness and respect while learning or using English
• acquire the ability to learn how to learn
• develop awareness of global issues

Given this era where learners face uncertainties, rapid changes and global challenges in almost every aspect of life, it is little wonder that language teaching and learning have changed out of all recognition. With a growing emphasis on English as a lingua franca (ELF), learners need to acquire and develop multiple competences and use effective communication strategies to interact with speakers of English with diverse cultural backgrounds.

Within this framework,the basic philosophy of TED Schools foreign language teaching is based on the fact that language is a social phenomenan. Our students naturally develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, collaboration and effective communication within the process of language learning and development. This understanding is integrated with the philosophy of life long learning, and and the target language is no longer a subject in the school carriculum but becomes a natural part of the process.

The Turkish Education Association’s foreign language policy of developmental, supportive and sharing approach, enables the students to follow and evaluate their own language development.

English language education at TED Schools is carried out in line with TED's K12 English curriculum, which is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and approved by the Ministry of National Education. Considering the changing student profile and needs, new practices in English language education are incorporated into the programme.

Inquiry-based Learning
Content and Language Integrated Learning
Differentiated Instruction
Project Based Learning
Social and Emotional Learning
Digital literacy
Media literacy
are among the teaching methods and approaches we highlight in our programme.

TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages provides continuous guidance and in-service training support to English teachers in our schools about the curriculum we use and new practices and teaching methods and approaches through professional development programmes.

In Kindergarten and Primary levels, development of oral competency is of utmost importance. Our main aim in Kindergarten language education is to evoke love, willingness and curiosity among students towards target language. English language teaching materials developed by the Turkish Education Association are used in TED Schools Preschool 5 and 6 age groups. Foreign language education is carried out by taking into account the different learning styles of students and using computer-based individual learning programmes.

The books, materials, resources and digital products used at other levels are determined by the work of commissions consisting of the Foreign Languages Department Heads of the schools and TED Headquarters Foreign Language Educational Specialists.

In our technologically equipped classrooms, with the support of our foreign teachers and computer and internet supported programmes, our students find the opportunity to express themselves effectively in all language skills such as speaking, reading, writing and listening.

Starting from Grade 5, students are given an English placement test and an Intensive English Support Programme is provided to students throughout the academic year in line with the needs identified at the end of the test. English language education in our schools is also monitored through exams given by TED Headquarters at the middle and high school levels.

Our students are prepared for exams such as Cambridge Young Learners, Key (A2), Preliminary (B1), First (B2), IELTS, TOEFL, International GCSE in order to certify the quality of English education in our schools by independent international centers.

In-class and extracurricular activities are implemented to ensure that our students see English as a part of their lives and acquire the habits of speaking, reading, writing, researching, making presentations and following foreign publications in the target language. In addition, through student exchange programmes abroad, our students are given the opportunity to get to know foreign cultures and use the language they have learned in their natural environment.

In our schools, one or more of German, French, Spanish or Russian course is offered as an elective second foreign language, taking into account regional differences and needs. At TED Schools, students are expected to be able to read, write and comprehend intermediate level texts in a second foreign language, as well as learn the language at a level that enables them to express themselves on current issues and topics of interest to them. In addition to all these goals, second foreign language studies also enable our students to develop themselves socially by getting to know different cultures.

Our students take exams such as DELF (French), DELE (Spanish), FIT (German), and TORFL (Russian) prepared by international independent centers to certify the quality of second foreign language taught in our schools.


The CommitTED

The COMMITTED is one of the leading projects of The Turkish Education Association that is largely aimed at incorporating foreign language education received at TED schools into the activities carried out by The Turkish Education Association Civil Society Organization.

Being published annually, The COMMITTED is particularly aimed at providing students with an interactive platform where they can use the target language while learning about global issues as well as developing their high-order thinking skills, such as analyzing, synthesizing, questioning, problem-solving, evaluating and creating. The magazine features all kinds of student work (e.g. student interviews, projects, posters, essays, etc.) in line with the theme of the year.

The COMMITTED acquires its name from the indispensable bond between The Turkish Education Association and TED students.

TED Schools Global Citizenship Club (GCC)

TED Schools Global Citizenship Club, which has been implemented at TED Schools middle and high school levels since the 2018-2019 academic year, intends to create an academic environment where students find opportunities to develop global citizenship qualities. The content and the scope of the club is prepared in collaboration with TED University’s Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. The 9 courses offered in the TEDU Global Citizenship Minor Programme take place in this club over the course of 2 academic years, with the participation of mainly 9th and 10th grade students in high school and 6th and 7th grade students in middle school.

The purpose and scope of the club is for students to develop awareness about world challenges and to search for solutions to world challenges while developing their sense of responsibility.

The club operates to form a bridge to tertiary education with a primary focus on developing skills in speaking and writing.


TED School Experience Project (TED Ambassadors Project)

As a network of 45 schools across Turkey with a pool of fully-trained in-house teacher trainers/mentors based in cities throughout the country, we feel that we are in a unique position to add value to the field experience (School Experience) component of the 4th year ELT undergraduate practicum. With regard to this, TED School Experience Project, provides TED University students with an opportunity to visit different TED schools and closely work with their mentors.

The main purpose of the project is to help supplement and strengthen the existing School Experience course in order to give student teachers the best possible preparation for their future teaching careers.

Main objectives of the project are

• to contribute to the discussion on the policies and procedures needed to best equip student teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school and wider community,

• to afford student teachers an opportunity to acquire enhanced knowledge of departmental/school culture,
• to provide student teachers with individual, intensive professional support not limited to classroom observation and feedback
• and to identify possible links between TED University ELT Department and TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages in order to help scaffold the transition between pre- and in-service teacher training.


TED Schools New Teachers’ Induction Programme

TED Schools Induction and In-Service Training Programme is an online programme designed to equip newly appointed English teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills about foreign language teaching at TED Schools. The video content of the training programme is prepared by TED Headquarters Foreign Language Educational Specialists and trainers working at TED Schools. In this programme, teachers are expected to watch the video content on e-TED and complete the required tasks.

The content of the Training Programme is differentiated according to the levels of education. In other words, the teachers only watch the training videos that are appropriate for the levels they will teach and combine what they learn from these trainings with their classroom practices. The training programme includes a total of 9 topics for each level.

Session Titles for Kindergarten & Primary School
Session Titles for Middle and High School
Classroom Management
Classroom Management
Lesson Planning
Lesson Planning
Materials Development & Adaptation
Materials Development & Adaptation
Storytelling and Using Picturebooks
Teaching Grammar
Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching Vocabulary
Games & TPR for Young Learners
Teaching Receptive Skills
Teaching Phonics
Teaching Productive Skills
Use of Technology
Use of Technology
Songs, Chants, and Rhymes for Young Learners
Fostering Critical Thinking

TED Schools Trainer Development Programme

The aim of the Trainer Development Programme is to train Teacher Trainers who would carry out professional development activities and mentor English teachers at TED Schools. The programme prioritises teacher development over teacher training. This is to ensure that the TED trainer/mentor is able to effectively support both novice and experienced teachers in his/her school in a way which actively involves the teachers by acknowledging their pre-existing professional knowledge, experience and interests.
Main objectives of this programme are

• to provide opportunities to refresh knowledge about teacher training approaches and techniques,
• to introduce, practise and standardise approaches to effective classroom observation and post-lesson feedback,
• to develop participants’ practical skills in supporting novice and experienced teachers,
• and to enable participants to contribute to the school’s quality improvement plans and procedures.

TED Schools Leadership Course

TED Schools Leadership Course, first launched in the 2019-2020 academic year and intended for department heads, has been carried out by the educational specialists at TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages. The aim of the one-year, face-to-face and online certificate programme is to provide comprehensive training in English Language Teaching Management and Leadership for English Language Teaching Heads working in TED Schools.

Main objectives of this course are
• to raise awareness of the importance of effective leadership in Foreign Language Departments at TED Schools,
• to help the Department Heads get acquainted with the main principles of team building, effective communication and planning,
• and to equip the Department Heads with the necessary skills in resolving conflicts, giving and receiving feedback, managing time effectively, supporting the team academically and professionally.

TED Schools Regional In-Service Teacher Training Seminars

TED Regional In-Service Teacher Training Seminars are organized by TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages in collaboration with the TED school, which hosts the event and they are intended for English language teachers recruited at TED schools and the Ministry of National Education (MEB) schools.

The content of Regional In-service Teacher Training Seminars is prepared according to the needs of TED English teachers and the Ministry of National Education (MEB) English teachers. The teachers attending the seminars get their certificates and have the opportunity to execute their work with new and practical ideas.


TED Schools ELT Conference

At the end of each academic year, an ELT conference open to a diversity of topics related to foreign language education is organized by The Turkish Education Association Commercial Enterprise and TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages in collaboration with the TED School, which hosts the conference.

This is an event that aims to provide language teachers at TED schools with the opportunity to experience organizing a conference, giving presentations to a wider audience, and exchange ideas with participants from other educational institutions.

TTED Schools Second Foreign Languages Conference

TED Schools give great importance to education in second foreign languages and offers a wide variety of language classes such as German, French, Spanish and Russian alongside English, with particular emphasis on improving learners’ communicative skills. To this end, a biennial conference on second foreign languages is held with the contributions of The Turkish Education Association Commercial Enterprise and TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages. TED SFL Conference aims to contribute to the professional development of second foreign language teachers working at TED schools by informing them about the current issues and best practices in the field of second foreign languages.


TED Schools Foreign Languages Education and Instruction Planning and Evaluation Commission Meeting

TED Schools Foreign Languages Education and Instruction Planning and Evaluation Commission Meeting is one of the activities carried out every year in cooperation with TED Commercial Enterprise and TED Headquarters Directorate of Foreign Languages in order to standardize foreign language education at TED Schools. To this end, the committees comprised of various department heads from different TED Schools have the opportunity to receive feedback from each other, review and select the educational materials to be used in the coming semesters and plan the programme for the next semester.

In addition to these activities, the Directorate of Foreign Languages also organizes professional development meetings and trainings depending on teacher interests and needs during this commission work. The aim of these meetings is to provide teachers with the opportunity to come together, inform them about the main issues in foreign language education, share ideas with each other and get feedback on the programmes/projects carried out in their schools.

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